1991年温暖なカリフォルニアでサーフカルチャーの聖地サンクレメンテにBlack Flysは誕生しました。
Black Flysのアイウェアはブランドコンセプトの”Authentic Design with Curiosity”のもと機能性とスタイル、ディテールを追求し良質な素材を厳選、熟練したクラフトマンにより手作業で組まれています。
西海岸の様々なカルチャーをルーツとしたBlack Flysは独自の解釈でモダンとオールドファッションを融合した
Contemporary Eyewear Brandとしてお客様のライフスタイル引き立て、好奇心を満足させるアイウェアを作り続けています。
In 1991, Black Flys was born in the warm California surf culture Mecca of San Clemente.
Black Flys shocked the eyewear industry at the time with its unique designs images while many
artists and celebrities showed their support.
Since then Black Flys has provided various style of eyewear that do not sway with
the times for over 30 years.
The brand concept is based on “Authentic Design with Curiosity” pursuing functionality,
style, and details with fine material selected carefully and hand assembled by skilled craftsman.
Black Flys will keep creating eyewear that will enhance your lifestyle while satisfying your
curiosity as a contemporary eyewear brand fusing modern and old fashion through its
unique interpretation from its roots of various west coast cultures.